Latest Episodes

151 - Steinbeck Book Club: The Pastures of Heaven with Dr. Susan Shillinglaw
I am so excited to share today’s episode with you. For those of you who follow my substack, you may know that I have...

150 - Dr. Brittany Friedman, Carceral Apartheid: How Lies and White Supremacists Run Our Prisons
Today, we have Dr. Brittany Friedman on the show. Dr. Brittany Friedman is a sociologist and expert on cover-ups, politics, and the dark side...

149 - Rob Crisell, California Avocados: A Delicious History
Rob Crisell is an author, poet, actor, winemaker, and teacher in Temecula, California. For the past eight years, he has taught poetry and Shakespeare...

148 - Railroads and California, Part III
In the last episode on the first series about the railroads and California, we conclude by discussing how the Big Four sought to cement...

147 - Rebecca John, Deceptive PR Strategy Pioneered in 1950s California to Hide Climate Change Risk
On today's show, we welcome Rebecca John. Rebecca is a Research Fellow at the Climate Investigations Center. She is also a freelance journalist and...

146 - Dr. Maxwell Johnson, A Connected Metropolis: Los Angeles Elites and the Making of a Modern City, 1890–1965
Today, we welcome Dr. Maxwell Johnson on to the program. He is the author of A Connected Metropolis: Los Angeles Elites and the Making...