Today, we have Dr. Jenni Sorkin on the show. Dr. Sorkin is an Associate Professor of the History of Art and Architecture at UCSB. Dr. Sorkin writes on the intersections between gender, material culture, and contemporary art. Her most recent book is Art in California (2021), written for Thames & Hudson’s acclaimed World of Art series. As a state, California is the site of tremendous diversity in the visual arts and has been at the forefront of cultural production throughout the 20th century. We cover a broad range of topics in this conversation, and I honestly feel like the conversation could have been twice as long with all of the fascinating details and history in her book.
In this episode, we meet an important early citizen of California, Abel Stearns. We learn about his beginnings, his rise to power, and his...
Paul Haddad is the author of several books about his native Los Angeles, including the critically lauded, L.A. Times Bestseller "Inventing Paradise: The Power...
Today, we have an interview with Kolin Perry about the new exhibit at Nevada Museum of Art called End of the Range: Charlotte Skinner...