Latest Episodes

In-Between-A-Sode -- Support Us!
In this brief intermission in our story, I make a small plea to support our podcast. Here's a link to our Patreon page:

12 - Junipero Serra Part II
In this episode, we continue the story of Serra, following his departure and arrival in New Spain.

11 - Junipero Serra Part I
In this episode, we begin to explore the life Junipero Serra by looking at his background, his culture, and his religious worldview.

10 - Spanish Exploration into CA
In this episode, we prepare for the arrival permanent settlements in California by looking at the events leading up to the Portola Expedition.

9 - Sir Francis Drake
In this episode, we learn about Drake's brief sojourn in California to repair his ship.

8 - Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo Part II
In this episode, we look at Cabrillo's journey up the coast of California.