Today we have Alex Brown on the show. Alex is a librarian, local historian, author, and writer, and an Ignite award winning critic. Much of their writing covers black history, librarianship, YA, and speculative fiction. The focus of our conversation today is their two books of nonfiction, Hidden History of Napa Valley and The Lost Restaurants of Napa Valley and Their Recipes. I really enjoyed talking with Alex. We had a lot to connect about, both in regards to libraries, but also into California history.
Today, we have an interview with Boris Dralyuk. Dralyuk is a literary translator, poet, and the Editor-in-Chief of the Los Angeles Review of Books....
Today we have an interview with Eric Nusbaum. The former sports editor at Vice, Nusbaum is now the editor-in-chief of Seattle Met. He is...
In this episode, we continue our series by discussion the Long Walk of the Navajo people and its connection to the Greater Reconstruction.